A single, lonely plant doesn't have much power:
The tiniest brush of wind will knock it over,
the smallest drought will kill it,
and it only accesses a small amount of nutrients.
However, if there are two plants, something interesting happens. They strengthen the soil. They share nutrients. They intertwine roots and become stronger. Each individual plant may become 3-4 times stronger, despite there only being two plants.
With three plants, they all individually become 10x stronger. Eventually, they form a 'plant colony', sharing resources, strengthening the soil, and bearing greater fruits than they ever could individually.
Pick up any great book, and flip to the acknowledgments section. There you may find dozens of names of people who 'strengthened their roots' by intertwining with other people.
So, next time you plan to go study, find people who will support your roots. Find people to share notes with, to share future aspirations, and to enjoy your time with. You will get 10x better!
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