We all know that competition drives success. So what if, by magic, you suddenly had the perfect competitor. In order for this to be true, this competitor has the following traits:
They are from an alternate mirror dimension, having had the exact same background story as you with the same parents and same upbringing, so there is no unfair advantage.
Their IQ is the same as yours, so again, there is no unfair advantage.
Clearly, many of us would benefit from having someone like this in our academic lives. There's no excuses, because they have had precisely the same environment as you have had. There's no saying "well he/she had this and I didn't" or "they had a better teacher" or even "they had a better upbringing". It's all fair. You've had the same conditions.
It also means you wouldn't have to bother comparing yourself to others; it's not worth weighing up all the disadvantages or advantages they may face compared to you because you've already got a perfect competitor.
It all sounds good and nice, but we don't have this perfect competitor in our lives...right?
Well, in fact, every single person on earth has this competitor:
The competitor is you from yesterday.
There's plenty of reasons why you can't beat the top academic at your school, but there's practically no reason you can't beat your previous self. They are the same as you, and if anything, you're also a day ahead of them.
So, overall, avoid comparing yourself to others at all costs, because their lives are drastically different from yours, and there's no point getting caught up in that when you already have the perfect competitor.
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